
Showing posts from September, 2021

A Super Soul

  "Great personalities make themselves great, they are not great" Hey hello everyone!!..., this is SUPRIYO DAS,  writing his fourth blog on the topic ' A Super Soul'. This blog of mine will be different from others because I'll, in this blog, give you a super-solid content-based case study on A super  soul- "His Divine Grace Abhay Charanaravindra Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada", the founder-acharya of the I nternational S ociety for K rishna Con sciousnesses ( ISKCON ). After reading this blog, you will be able to learn about: Punctuality  ✅ Time management  ✅ Leadership  ✅ Scaling up of an institution  ✅ Organisation development  ✅ Sustainability  ✅ Processing  ✅ People skill  ✅ Rapid expansion  ✅ Maintaining growth and speed  ✅ So let's get started...